Australia, Nov. 12 -- Yangjiang Zhihe Trading Co. Ltd., owns the trademark (2439540) for 'Chicwood' till April 1, 2034.

Status: registered: Registered/protected

Class: 8 [sharpening stones; scissors; tweezers; penknives; hunting knives; saws [hand tools]; table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]; wrenches [hand tools]; hand tools, hand-operated; cutters; shovels [hand tools]; gimlets [hand tools]; hatchets; garden tools, hand-operated; hammers [hand tools]; hoes [hand tools]; screwdrivers, non-electric; pincers; scraping tools [hand tools]; multi-tool knives]

Type of Mark: Word

Date of Acceptance: May 17

Registration Advertised: Nov. 11

For further details contact Rose Pan AUS@smtip Co. .

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